Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us. As we add features to this website, visitors that wish to use these new features will need to register and provide certain information as part of the registration process. Any personal information given will be kept in a secure area on our server, however, no security system is impenetrable and we cannot guarantee the security of our database, nor can we guarantee that information being supplied will not be intercepted while transmitted to us over the Internet.
The registration process will allow you to accept or decline promotional e-mail. If you consent then you will occasionally receive electronic mail from to announce new features of the website, contests, or promotional information from our sponsors, partners, affiliates, and advertisers.
Our web server automatically collects certain information about your computer's connection to the internet when you visit our site, including your IP address and web browser to measure traffic to our site. does not sell, trade, or rent any personal information about its users. We do however reserve the right to share information to our partners, advertisers, sponsors, and affiliates to assist them in market research. This information is strictly in the form of statistics to confirm the value of advertising on our site or to forming affiliations and partnerships. These statistics will include no personally identifying information in any way, shape, or form.
Our website contains links to many other websites whose privacy policies we do not control. When you click on one of these links and leave our server, that site's privacy policy governs any personal information you provide to that site. Their privacy policy may differ drastically from that of, so we recommend that you read each particular website’s privacy policy. We are not responsible for servers that we do not control.
Children should always get their parents permission before providing any information about themselves over the Internet, such as name, email address, phone number, home address, and related items.